Start A Staffing Agency: The Salesperson As a Recruiter

Personality of a recruiter

Clinicians need to know that the person that is interviewing them has a particular knowledge base. The knowledge base must also be coupled with a strong sense of compassion.

Recruiters are sales people, they are the front line representatives for a staffing firm. The attractive force has certain key components to keep and sustain employees. A medical staffing recruiter must be pleasant, nice, in possession of listening skills, communicate, inspire confidence and be trustworthy.

The recruiter is often the gatekeeper that represents the company. That gatekeeper must show an openness to accept clinicians and provide a scene of continual respect for the clinicians. Nobody wants to work for a medical staffing agency that is “not very nice”

Who actually needs who?

The recruiter’s job is to inspire confidence, but that confidence must also establish a moving event for the clinicians. Clinicians are very much aware of their need and value. If you are not respectful and friendly the candidate will not call you again.

Candidates will at times play one agency against another to capture the highest pay rate. This is a common problem amongst full time medical staffing workers.

I have found that you have a better chance of hiring a clinician by providing top level quality customer service and enhanced honesty than paying an extra dollar than your competition.

Medical staffing firms tread a fine line recruiting clinicians. The line can be easily crossed when the prospect is softly guided towards your company. A company that appears desperate will exude that in the recruiting process.

Bottom line is you as a recruiter must be able to convince the candidate to work for your company.

Staying ahead of the game

Two phases in the recruitment process must always be active in order to continually fill opening.

The first phase requires a constant recruitment that places candidates today. You will have positions that need to be filled continually; actively looking for these types of candidates is part of the dynamic nature of recruiting.

The second phase is the constant proactive approach to having several candidates in the “Pipe Line” to ensure enough qualified candidates are available and being hired to fill potential shifts.

The growth of your business is dynamic, it cannot be precisely calculated and it is dependent on your ability to secure contracts and recruit. Keeping the recruiting phase active to fill positions that are not already found is a common proactive approach amongst staffing agencies.

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